Volunteers Needed

So your youth has decided to try out Scouting and you were wondering how you could become a part of the team. To get the ball rolling all you need to do is log in to MyScouts.ca and click on the Register as a Volunteer Link on the left hand side. Scouts Canada will take all your information and pass it along to the appropriate group of Scouters in your area.

Our Volunteers go through a standardized screening process which involves an interview with experienced and trained Scouters from your area. During this interview, you will have a chance to ask questions about the program, learn about the time commitments, and the amazing opportunities that exist in Scouting. You will also have the opportunity to learn from local Scouters what the group and sections are like and how rewarding working with our amazing youth really is.

Scouting can’t exist without a team of dedicated parent Volunteers.

After the Screening Interview is complete, prospective Scouters will be asked to provide character references that can be contacted via email to discuss your application. Provided you are a good fit for the team your next step is to complete a Vulnerable Sectors Police Check. While that is being processed by the Hamilton Police Services feel free to begin your online training. Scouting Fundamental Training and Respect in Sport for Scouting are excellent introductions to working with youth and a crash course on our Scouts Canada Program, and both can be found via MyScouts and the David Huestis Learning Center.

Once training and police checks are complete all that is left to do is get your hands on a Red Shirt and join our team at our next meeting.

Welcome aboard, Scouting depends on our team of dedicated Parent Volunteers. The amazing program and opportunities our youth get to explore can’t happen without the dedicated service of volunteers like you.
