So you want to be a YouTube Star, or an influencer and live large but are unsure where to start. Why not start by helping out your Scouters and create your first blog documenting what we worked on during our most recent Cubs meeting or Adventure?
Writing Tips
Your blog begins with a catchy title and an anchor or feature image that captures the essence of the meeting. Every good post starts with a really good image. From there describe in words what we were doing in the meeting, the purpose, goal or challenge. Were we working on part of Personal Achievement Badge or Outdoor Adventure Skill? Describe it, tell us a bit about it, what was it about the skill or badge that interested you?
Were there any safety considerations? Obstacles to overcome? Tell us about it. How did the night go? Did everything go according to plan, or did we have to pivot to plan B and make adjustments on the fly? Let your audience know all about it just like real journalists.
Once your thoughts are organized and typed out, submit them to your section leader with your images, just like a real reporter. Your Scouting team will review and Edit, like the Editors at a Newspaper, suggest revisions or changes that you can make, and then your article and photos will be published Online, live. With parents’ permission and a signed release, you will be credited for your work and you can brag to all your friends that not only are you a Cub reporter but a professional paid digital content creator published live on the internet for all to see.
A nominal fee of $2 for each complete article and photo(s) published will be paid and a release will need to be signed by parents and guardians.
Good luck, can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Participation can count towards the following Personal Achievement Badges:

Ground Rules:
Images should not have youth and or youth faces in them, even your own. I’ve tried to focus my imagery on the activity rather than the person cause there are privacy concerns.
Hint: An amazing feature image can anchor a story and grab the audience’s attention, it can also help focus the message and story.
There is a reason why they say a picture’s worth a 1000 words. 🙂
Start your post with an amazing image to draw your audience into your post. The goal is to get them to click on your post to find out more.
Consider teaming up and working together, there is no shame in sharing the credit for team effort. 🙂