Apple Day!

Our largest fundraiser for the year was this weekend and was a huge success!   Community support was once again amazing as our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts  went out into the community and successfully raised a lot of money for 3rd Waterdown Scouting to support our Scouting Activities throughout the year.    Fundraising Continue Reading

Truth & Reconciliation

In honour of Truth and Reconciliation Day this Saturday Sept 30th our pack took a closer look into our land acknowledgment and specifically the meaning behind Dish with One Spoon Treaties. We went over the Dish with One Spoon Treaties the Indigenous made with the Europeans and other Indigenous tribes.  Exploring Continue Reading

Parent Information Night

On Tuesday September 12, 2023 we held our Parent Information session where went over the Cubs Scouts program and our plans for the Scouting Year. Cub Scouts is a Co-Ed Outdoor Adventure Club that works with youth in grades 3/4/5. We are a youth-led program designed to develop teamwork, confidence, Continue Reading

Advancement Ceremony

One thing that is constant with Scouting is dealing with Change, not only just dealing with change but learning how to embrace it and thrive within it. Life is all about adapting and at Scouts our goal is to provide a safe inclusive environment to allow youth to experience all Continue Reading