We’re Movin’ Up! 


This week’s meeting was moved from Tuesday to Wednesday as we were doing advancement! The Advancement ceremony is where you move up in your age group. Take me for example, in Cubs this year I am a Howler, which is year three, so at Advancement I moved up to scouts! Advancement is a very big deal!

For the special 3rd Waterdown Scouting meeting, each Section was in attendance – Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, and Rovers.

For the Beavers, Advancement saw the 1st and 2nd year Beavers lift a long blue tarp, representing the pond and river, up in the air for their third-year friends to “swim” under and “swim up” to Cubs. Some of us third-year Cubs accompanied the 3rd year Beavers which gave us the chance to relive some beautiful old memories of when we moved up to Cubs.

Altogether 12 Beavers made the “swim up” to the Cub pack! When the beavers were joining the pack Scouter Nicole was so welcoming, stopped each one individually, asking their names, introducing herself and then showed them where to squeeze in! 

For Cubs, 10 Howlers, of the 13 3rd-years moving up, were in attendance. Before we joined the Scout circle, Scouter Nicole and Scouter Joanne along with the entire Pack did our opening.  Then Scouter Nicole rounded those advancing into a circle and gave us a “pep” talk. We then formally joined the Scouts. After the meeting, Howlers were given a hiking stick as a moving up gift!

For Scouts, to open their advancement ceremony, the Troop led everyone in O’Canada while raising the Canadian Flag. One Scout member recited the Scout Motto, Promise and Scout Law.

The motto for Scouts is: Be Prepared


There was only 1 third year Scout who moved up. After shaking hands with their Scout Leaders, this Scout moved over to join the Venturers Company.

Lastly, for the Venturers Company, there were 4 people who moved up. The ceremony had them step over two oars where they met their Scouter who shared some great memories made during each of the Ventures time in the Company.  A fellow Venturer gave them his own little goodbye gift by ‘giving them the boot’,  handing them his boot and telling them to have fun in Rovers.  🙂 The 4 Venturers then made their way to the stage where they joined the fellow Rovers.

Next week is back to business as usual, however, between now and the summer break, I hope to have the chance to join a linking meeting with the Scout Troop, while finishing my time in Cubs.

Your Cub Reporter,


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