OPP Mobile Command Center

This week was amazing, our very own OPP Constable and Scouter shared with us the OPP Mobile Command Center that gets dispatched to help with the coordination of officers and resources at major incidents.  

The excitement and stories our Cubs shared after their tour was spectacular!  Huge Cubs shoutout and cheer for Scouter Jonathan for making this happen.  Thank you so much!

For logistics we split our pack in two and took turns touring the Command Center.  The Cubs who remained with us in the gym had the opportunity to finish presenting their SPICES mini games from last week and time permitting a craft challenge.  

The challenge this week was to create something amazing from a Bill of Materials.  Cubs were shown the supplies they would have available and challenged to work individually or as a team to see what they could come up with.   As in life we don’t always have instructions or an end goal clearly defined.  And that’s ok.  Sometimes we are at our most creative when given the opportunity to freely use our imaginations.  

After giving the Cubs some time to create, we explained what Pinterest had made with the same supplies and explained the differences and value of both approaches.  Following directions vs creative liberties, both can produce amazing things.  

I think you’ll agree, our Cubs, when given the chance come up with some amazing creations!


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