And then there were 40+ Linking Event …

This week marked our first linking event where we invited and hosted our 3rd year, White Tail Beavers, to Cubs so they can experience our Cub program, meet the Cub Team, and start making new friends through shared experiences to get them ready to become full fledge members of our Pack in September.  

For this meeting, based on the feedback we got from our Howlers and younger Cubs, we chose to make a Cub Art, Cub Hobby project focused on Pokémon for the linking event.  

From a leader’s perspective, although there were definitely challenges surrounding a group as large as ours, the event went really well and we hope the Cubs and Beavers enjoyed it as much as we did.  🙂

Making use of our Lairs, (smaller groups with a range of ages) we started off with a memory name game where we introduced ourselves and what our favourite Pokémon Type was.  The next youth in the circle had to introduce the person(s) before them and themselves including favourite types of Pokémon, with the difficulty increasing as we went along.   The youth didn’t always speak super loud so everyone could hear (which is really weird cause when you are trying to talk they seem to have no volume control whatsoever 🙂 ), so in my group they tasked me with repeating every introduction as we went along.  I think it worked out really well and allowed our Pack to not only learn the names of the White Tail guests but also some members of the pack who they hadn’t been introduced to yet.  Might be a game we play more frequently till everyone knows everyone.  

We moved on to our art project, designing Pokemon cards RPG style. (Roll playing game style for those unfamiliar). 

Cubs rolling a dice selected the various attributes of the character they would draw onto their card, starting with type (electric, fighting, water, steel, grass or dark) followed by another roll of the dice for health points (ranging from 50 to 90) and final roll to determine their Pokémon’s attacks.  

After rolling and resolving the dice Cubs could cut and paste their attributes onto their cards or draw them out free hand.  Once type, strength, and attacks were determined the Cubs were encouraged to draw their character in the space provided.  We had How to Draw instructions and YouTube tutorial videos available, but to our surprise, most youths opted to sketch out from memory, or from looking at existing cards, the characters of their choice.  Their creations were amazing and we hope they enjoyed the evening as much as we did.  

My son, who is a White Tail, enjoyed the night so much that I’ve got my work cut out for me convincing him to finish out the year as a Beaver. :). The concept of Honourary Cub for the evening is a pretty foreign concept to him. 

Looking forward to our next linking event which will be Winter Group Camp where our Howlers will have the opportunity to experience how awesome our Scouting program is with Troop and our White Tails will once again be invited to join Pack for the day of activities and competition and sleepover with us.  


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