Knox Sleepover Wolf Pack Style!

Our cubs did an amazing job for this overnight, working together, to set up tents in Knox Church’s Sunday School rooms as preparation for future camping adventures.  Working in teams the Cubs were taught the basics of setting up our tents, including matching up tent pole colours with the colour-coded spots they go into and working together to raise the tents. They finished building tents and got their sleeping areas ready with sleeping pads and bags ready for sleeping.  

We changed gears and moved downstairs to the gathering room for a night of board games!


The games ranged from single player, STEM based games like Rush Hour, Gravity Maze, and Turing Tumble to Co-operative games like OutFoxed and Forbidden Island.

Other popular games played were King Of Tokyo, a dice rolling game, Kinetic sand-based, Sink N Sand and Ticket to Ride Ghost Train. A couple of Cubs got an introduction to Pokémon Battle Academy the board game associated with Pokémon Trading Cards.  

We ended the night with a Social Deduction Party Game, Among Us! Cubs edition that we built off the popular games Mafia and The Werewolves of Millers Hollow. So far this game seems to be very popular with our Cubs, who knows maybe we have our Cubs build out their own editions at an upcoming meeting. 🙂


Our hope with Board Game nights is to introduce our Cubs to an exciting social hobby, where through games, friendships, and memories can be formed.  There are so many different types of games ranging from Cooperative games, where players work together and win or lose as a team, to traditional Competitive games, that we hope there was something for everyone to try and enjoy.  Cubs can also use our Board Game Nights as one of four activities towards their Cub Hobby Badge! To learn more on our Scouts Canada Plan Do Review and how to complete Personal Achievement Badges on your Cubs Canadian Path follow the links and explore The Jungle on Scouts Canada’s website.


If your Cub really enjoyed the selection of board games and you want to learn more about any of the games, a good starting point is I’ve found the walk-throughs and Top 10 lists of board game reviews available on YouTube extremely helpful as well. They can help you get a feel for the gameplay and narrow down which games to invest in.

All the games played and featured are from Scouters’ personal collections and no money is being made from their inclusion in this post. Links provided are for educational purposes only.


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