May 2, 2023

Tonight we worked on making Survival Bracelets with our Cubs and White Tail Beaver friends. Survival bracelets are made out of Paracords, usually around 8ft worth so that in an emergency our Cubs will have enough cord to unravel and use for lashing to build a shelter, make tourniquets, replace boots laces, or whatever else they may need in a pinch.
The start was a bit chaotic and we had some long lines as we sorted out what colours our Cubs wanted to work with. And for some of our Cubs, we might have run out of time, it was a full house. The good news is that there is a tonne of YouTube tutorial videos that your Cubs can watch to continue the Scouting during the week and finish up their bracelets. Pinterest is another good source for more Paracord designs. The Survival bracelets can also count as 1 of 4 activities towards your Cub Personal Achievement badges. Check out for full requirements of how your Cub can complete the badges using our Plan-Do-Review.