Group Camp is almost here!

With the excitement of the Scouting year coming to an end, we are so excited to be able to restart our Group Camp experience where all section come together for a weekend of fun.  

With that comes challenges as for some of our youth this could be their first camping experience in Tents and outdoors. 

As Scouters we plan ahead and try to work with our youth to make sure they know the buddy system if they need to go to the washroom, and we are available if any challenges occur during the night. 

As parents we need your help to review camp procedures and build your kid’s confidence so that have an enjoyable memorable, and successful camping experience.  

If your youth are inexperienced campers, or you have any concerns please reach out to your Scouting team so we can work with you to ensure the best camping experience.  

Scouts Canada has shared a case study on a nightmare scenario from an indoor camping experience.  A nightmare for the Scouting team, (who are also parents and volunteers) the parents and the youth.  When we know better we can do better, together.  Have a read and discuss protocols ahead of time with your youth. 🙂


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