April 25, 2023
Saturday (April 22) was Earth Day so in tonight’s meeting we did a few crafts with the Cubs to honour the movement.
Using or reusing as it may be, Cubs recycled some crafting materials to create Earth Buddies, that with a little water and some sun will be sporting Green Hair (grass seeds) that can be styled in no time.
While half the pack was making Earth Buddies the other half was mixing up a storm. Working together the Lairs mixed up chocolate pudding as the base for their very own dirt pudding. Crushing up some Oreo cookies, which surprisingly, there were tonnes of questions on how to do that properly, (I would have thought crushing food and making a mess would have been second Nature by now 😉 ), and adding gummy worms our Cubs completed the task and thoroughly enjoyed their dessert.
Learning new skills has never been more delicious, and can count towards your Cubs’ completion of a couple of different Personal Achievement Badges. Check out Scouts.ca for more information on how your Cub can Plan-Do-Review their way into earning their badges. 🙂