Last week we finished up building our Campfire Chairs. The Cubs did an amazing job learning to hammer nails, measure, follow templates, use cordless drills and sand to fully assemble their chairs. Good job!
To continue the Scouting experience beyond the build your Cub could consider sewing on patches from camps and events onto the backing of the chair. Adding a 3rdWaterdown patch would be an amazing addition. Have your Cub talk to a leader to find out how to get one.
If your Cub has an interest in wood burning why not have your Cub include their name somewhere on the chair to make it easier to keep track of at camps and other events? Always remember safety first, the video for wood burning has some great tips and best practices. Some Cubs have also expressed an interest in whittling, and although these types of knife skills are introduced in Scouts (Grade 6 +) there are some good introductory videos you can check out with your kids. And if your Cub expresses an interest why not have them work on it as part of their Cub Hobby badge 🙂
No meeting this week but have your Cub come out and support our Howlers as they move up to Scouts during our advancement ceremony this Wednesday.