Advancement Ceremony

One thing that is constant with Scouting is dealing with Change, not only just dealing with change but learning how to embrace it and thrive within it. Life is all about adapting and at Scouts our goal is to provide a safe inclusive environment to allow youth to experience all life has to offer.  

It’s hard to believe my youngest is going to be a White Tail Beaver next year (3rd and final year of Beavers) and my Howler (3rd year Cub) advanced up to Scouts this week at our Advancement Ceremony. My own journey in the Scouts program began in October when Bobbi asked me if I would help and become a leader, 6 months later I find myself volunteering to help lead the Cubs program and continue the rebuild from Covid.  

One of the ways our program tries to celebrate change and advancement is doing it in small steps and stages. 

The cornerstone of successfully advancing within the program are our linking events, where those about to advance get to try out a meeting or adventure, meet their next leaders and peers and start building new relationships while getting a preview of the new opportunities challenges and responsibilities that come with advancing through the program.

The final step is our Advancement Ceremony where all Sections come together to welcome new members advancing through the program.

It starts with the foundation taught in Beavers, sharing, sharing, sharing, grows to Do your Best in Cubs.  Evolves to include be prepared in Scouts and is tested in Ventures where we work on growing through Challenge.   The program concludes with our Young Adults Going Beyond in Rovers to work on specific goals through personal development plans. 

The programs ultimate goal, developing confident, balanced, healthy, successful individuals who build life long friendships while enjoying the best nature has to offer. 

The advancement opportunities are not just for the youth, our leadership team of Scouters, that is made up mostly of Parent Volunteers, also get to grow and advance as the years go by. Either by following their youth up through the various levels or by tackling new challenges as opportunities arise in our meetings and adventures. Our biggest asset and gift to our youth is the time, commitment and hard work brought to the program by every volunteer, leader and parent who supports our community and youth as they grow and advance.  

Thank you all for your support and please chat with any Scouter about ideas or ways you’d like to help out and get involved.   Our program constantly needs new volunteers to fill the holes created by Scouters advancing up to the next level. 🙂


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